December 24, 2012

Sethu Das with Mun, Jeong-Hyun of Save Jeju Movement

Sethu Das, Co-founder of Design & People (Centre) with Mun, Jeong-Hyun of Save Jeju Movement in Jeju Island of South Korea. (Photo: Lee Sangjae)

The ambitious "Roadshow: Korea" project was organised by the Total Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul kicked off from the Jeju Island from August 28, 2012. Our surprise meeting with Mun, Jeong-Hyun, the Catholic priest and the leader of the Save Jeju Island Movement was in fact one of the most memorable meetings the Roadshow team members had. The priest who became an icon of human resistance was at his temporary eating tent at the construction site which had the slogan - "Let's Work and Also Eat". Every one of us had a question for him. The priest-activist seemed to be enthusiastic about answering questions while smoking his favourite cigarette. When I informed Mun, Jeong-Hyun about how the media in India have published reports on the agitation, he replied: “I am happy to know that you are from India and I thank you for your support. We are trying our best though do not know what would finally happen to the project”. 

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